Forestry Services
We have worked with a number of clients across sub-Saharan Africa. Collateral monitoring includes the supplying of standing timber valuation reports, assessments of such vital factors as fire management practices, thinning, planting, compliance with forest certification requirements and more.
Typical forest Collateral Monitoring activities would include the monitoring and validation of:
- Standing timber valuation reports
- Fire management practices
- Fire fighting plans
- Auditing of fire breaks
- Review of fire management practices
- Fire-fighting inventory audits
- Silviculture practices
- Felling programmes
- Thinning programmes
- Planting operations
- Timber security
- Monitor any required corrective actions
- Monitor company management and management information systems
- Best Operating Practices
- Environmental practices including adherence to the FSC and SHEQ policies
- Monitor adherence to felling programmes
- Monitor actual timber yields vs expected yields
- Monitor timber deliveries and sales
- Monitor marking for thinning operations
- Quality control of thinning operations
- Monitor actual operations vs planned operations
- Monitor planting quality
- Monitor (timber) anti-theft measures & procedures.
Drone use in Forestry Management
AdvoCare is continuously investigating the possibilities that this technology enables. This involves complying with a very strict set of legal requirements as set by the CAA in South Africa. Currently with our first fully trained and qualified in-house drone pilot, we are testing the potential. Early indications are so encouraging that AdvoCare has already started with the training of a second in-house drone pilot who will implement the use of drones on an operational level.
Unlike conventional image aircraft which can only look down vertically, the drones camera can also be tilted allowing slopes to be recorded precisely.
Operation aerial images have been used in forestry for decades for forest inventories or mapping damage after disasters. Surveys that took many days to carry out can be undertaken by a drone in a few hours and at short notice.
A drone can quickly identify problem areas for closer inspection, the flight path of the drone can be accurately planned on a tablet or laptop. Images are captured per minute while the drone flies at 10 meters a second.
Silviculture & Fire Protection Services
Thuthugani has a history dating back to 1999 and offers extensive knowledge and hands-on expertise of silviculture and fire protection services specific to the SA forestry sector. We are experts in specialist matters such as afforestation, rehabilitation of land, conservation re-establishment projects and fire protection services.
Forestry Project Management
We specialise in all planting, growing, conservation and protection requirements. We also cover the following services: planning and control, administration, financial, staff matters, contractors and external consultants.